Mario Murillo Issues New Prophetic Warnings About 2022

Mario Murillo Issues New Prophetic Warnings About 2022 by MARIO MURILLO for Charisma News

2022 is going to fool a lot of people. The same way that 2020 and 2021 fooled them.

Do not let yourself be one of those who is fooled again. 2022 will be a year of extremes. It will either be your greatest year of opportunity or a massive missed opportunity.

Here are the big questions that confront us in the New Year:

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– Who will lead the charge to restore American Freedom? Will it be Trump or DeSantis? Our present “leaders” have humiliated us before our enemies, stolen our freedoms and wrecked our economy. It is clear that not only do we need a leader, we need that leader now. We cannot wait for 2024.

– What is the most dangerous distraction that is coming in 2022 for us as believers? It is the vast blanket of deception that evil will drop on us in an attempt to derail our progress and wipe out our gains. Some of that evil will look very Christian, yet it will be anything but Christian.

– How do we avoid being fooled again and chart a course to meaningful victory?

So, we begin. To clear away the cobwebs, we need to go back to December of 2019. Remember when almost every preacher predicted smooth sailing in 2020? They said a great victory lay ahead. We were going to prosper, be blessed and highly favored. But what happened? Within weeks we were locked down and the ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ we were promised turned into years that flattened everything but the virus.

How did so many get it so wrong? I remember the firestorm that came against me when I warned everyone that megachurches could suddenly become empty and that Trump needed to act to keep the election from being stolen.

As late as October of 2020, I was issuing these warnings. I was ridiculed and condemned for my statements of see no evil, speak no and hear no evil.

Now I am issuing new warnings about 2022 and I am going against the grain again.

But my goal is not gloom and doom; it is discernment and preparation in order for you to be able to seize 2022 for the glory of God.

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