‘God and Cancel Culture’ Author Urges Americans To Pray, Stand Up Before It’s Too Late: ‘We Do Not Lose Our Constitutional Rights When There Is A Crisis In America’

‘God and Cancel Culture’ Author Urges Americans To Pray, Stand Up Before It’s Too Late: ‘We Do Not Lose Our Constitutional Rights When There Is A Crisis In America’ By Alicia Powe  for The Gateway Pundit

We no longer look to North Korea, Iran, China, Russia, or third-world countries to find peaceful citizens with big fat targets on their backs.

America is in a war.

This time the enemy isn’t thousands of miles away on a distant battlefield or hiding in a cave.

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It’s here and ruling over us, canceling, marginalizing, blacklisting, bankrupting and even coordinating federal entrapment of anyone threatening its power.

Even voicing dissent will soon be a criminal offense, if we proceed down this trajectory, author of  “God and Cancel Culture” Steven Strang warned in an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit.

The political left proclaims to champion liberalism. In reality, its ideology is predicated on “socialism and communism, which is atheistic, which has always been against God,” the award-winning journalist explained. “There are secular people who never would have identified with me as a Christian, but they’re being attacked so much that it’s like we stick together as brothers.”

Strang, CEO of Charisma Media, examines a turn of events that are leading up to the nullification of the US Constitution in his new book “God and Cancel Culture,” and draws upon a lifetime of experience and outstanding interviews for insight into how to triumph over evil in this dark hour.   

The left’s ability to galvanize the public into replacing faith in God with “wokeness” directly correlates to the tyrannical takeover we are witnessing unfold, he argued.

“It’s almost like wokeness is a religion – like a secular religion. They have certain sins – they have penalties for their sins. The only thing is that in their philosophy there is no way of redemption,” he said. “Christianity is about redemption. Even if you mess up, even if you do wrong, you can be redeemed through Jesus Christ.

“If you mess up with ‘woke’ people or if woke people aren’t woke enough, a lot of times they eat their own. There’s no redemption. It’s really sad. We do not want this to happen – we do not want our children and grandchildren to have to grow up in this kind of America.”

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