From Now On You Know Him…

From Now On You Know Him…

God Almighty, Heavenly Father as we bow before You with a humble heart we lift Your name above all names and place it like a banner over our lives for the whole world to see. In the name of Jesus Christ, we thank You, Father for renewing our mercies this morning and every morning to come. Soften our heart, Father, that we may receive the promises You have written in the book of our lives. As You were sewing our lives together in our mothers womb You, Father God, knew of the grace that would be necessary, You knew when it would be needed and You, Father, without fail showered our lives just at the moment You had planned.

Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.” ~ John 14:5-7 NASB95

We are prone to turning our back to You, Heavenly Father, but through grace You never turn Your back to us. We are hurt, we are bruised and we need the healing touch of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We seek forgiveness of our sexual deviance that we have brought upon ourselves. We seek Your love to bring us back to the Light and remove the darkness that surrounds us. Father God, search our minds and rebuke all the unclean thoughts, all the unclean spirits that are not from You, rebuke them all, right now, in the name of Jesus Christ. Father let the message of healing go forth from your child and the ministry that he is putting together for his community. Shine the Light of Your blessing over this ministry and bring to the meetings the people that need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Unleash the Holy Spirit in our lives as we ask for His Comfort and Counsel as we move through this day and all the days to come. We humbly knock upon the door to be guided by the Holy Spirit and drenched in the Living Waters that are the Word of God.

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Heavenly Father, God Almighty we need You today. We need You in this moment, we need You with every breath to sustain our lives. We love You, Father God and we are grateful for the blessings You have showered upon us in this day. We are grateful for the brothers and sisters in Christ that You have placed in our path. We are grateful for the love and support of our family. Nothing would be possible without Your blessings, while everything is possible through Jesus Christ.

In Jesus Christ’ loving name we pray. Amen Amen Amen

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