50 Things That Americans Should Be Stockpiling For The Chaotic Year Ahead

50 Things That Americans Should Be Stockpiling For The Chaotic Year Ahead by Michael Snyder for The Most Important News

Welcome to 2022!  Or as many on social media are saying, welcome to “2020 too”.  During the waning months of 2019, I repeatedly warned that I had such a bad feeling about what 2020 would bring, and of course it turned out that all of our lives were completely turned upside down that year.  I didn’t issue a similar warning for 2021, but now I have such a bad feeling about 2022.  So many of the long-term trends that I have been warning about for ages are starting to come to a crescendo, and I am encouraging everyone to do whatever they can to get prepared for some extremely troubled times.

It has been a while since I have published an article that focuses on practical advice, and I want to start doing that more.  Below, you will find my updated list of 50 things that I believe that people should be stockpiling for the year ahead.  It is certainly not an exhaustive list, but at least it will help get you started.  Most of these things you should be able to find in your local stores.  In some cases, the supply chain crisis is making it more difficult to find certain items, and that is just one reason why I have always urged people to get prepared as far ahead of time as possible.  The longer you wait, the worse the shortages may become.

Getting fully prepared for the collapse of our society is not something that can be done in a few weeks or even a few months.  In fact, I don’t think that anyone can ever be “fully prepared” for all possible scenarios.  But I believe that you will find the following list helpful in covering many of the basics.  The following are 50 things that Americans should be stockpiling for the year ahead…

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#1 A Conventional Generator And A Solar Generator

#2 A Berkey Water Filter

#3 A Rainwater Collection System If You Do Not Have A Natural Supply Of Water Near Your Home

#4 A Large Emergency Medical Kit

#5 Rice

#6 Pasta

#7 Canned Soup

#8 Canned Vegetables

#9 Canned Fruit

#10 Canned Chicken

#11 Jars Of Peanut Butter

#12 Salt

#13 Sugar

#14 Powdered Milk

#15 Bags Of Flour

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