The Flow of Money Creates a Path to One World Government

The Flow of Money Creates a Path to One World Government By M. E. Boyd for American Thinker

We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications…. [for] their promises of discretion for almost forty years… [t]he work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government… The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” David Rockefeller to the Trilateral Commission, 1991.

This statement, made thirty years ago, means that the conspiracy to replace our Constitutional Republic began forty years before that—1951—with the assistance of respected journalists. Seventy years of concerted effort to leave We the People in the dark. (It is probably more like over one hundred years.)

James Warburg, financial advisor to FDR, and part of a banking family that stood to gain financially from world government, testified in 1950 before a Senate Congressional subcommittee that “We shall have world government whether you like it or not, by conquest or consent.”

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This leaves We the People with two large questions: how did this happen and what can we do if either of those two options is unacceptable to the American people?

This issue has been with us since George Washington took office in 1789. A small cadre of interconnected bankers was already well-established in England, France, Austria, Germany, and Italy. These bankers took advantage of the chaos growing out of the rejection of Roman Catholicism and the social breakdown and vehement hatreds that grew out of the Protestant Reformation by funding both sides (through government debt) of the many resultant wars and revolutions and then funding the peace afterward.

The profits were enormous. As Europe went through the revolutionary turmoil of the 19th and early 20th centuries, world bankers wove through societies like a malignancy, manipulating world leaders, destabilizing whole nations of people, and supporting philosophies that promote centralized authority (including international authority) that would strengthen world banking arrangements.

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