What the Fire Will Do in 2022: Live Free or Die

What the Fire Will Do in 2022: Live Free or Die by BERT FARIASĀ for Charisma News

“Come out from among them, and be ye separate” (2 Cor. 6:17a, KJV).

In John 6, many of Jesus’ disciples stopped following Him because they didn’t understand what it meant to eat His flesh and drink His blood. As with multitudes of professing Christians today, this proved that they were following Him for the wrong reasons all along.

There was a time under the first covenant when Satan appeared before God and asked to sift Job (Job 1). I can relate to that in a small way to what we’ve recently gone through the past year. I know that by revelation, but I can’t share it all yet because it’s too holy and private. I’ll just say that Satan obtained permission from the Lord to sift my wife and me.

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No, he didn’t cause the sickness, but what he did during the trial offered us a great temptation to curse God as Job’s wife and friends encouraged him to. There were demonic manifestations throughout my own trial that I didn’t understand and in my broken-down mental condition could not resist. If I told you, you wouldn’t believe it.

One day I turned to Carolyn in one of the lowest moments of her own trial, when she was in excruciating pain and had to be rushed yet again to the emergency room, and in frustration I asked her, “Why are we serving the Lord?”

A Question God Is Asking His People Right Now

The above scenario is happening in some way all across the body of Christ in Western society. God is using the political upheaval and economic and societal pressures to purge His church from friendship and adultery with the world. He is sifting our motives to prepare us for what lies ahead. We are in a serious time of judging ourselves. Stop playing church, Christian! Stop your love affair with the world. Stop serving yourself.

Are you serving God for the loaves and fishes? Do you only follow Him when things go well and smoothly in your life? How is your attitude when you don’t understand the what and why of your circumstances?

Here is the place He has brought me to after months of not understanding: If I went to hell, I’d still worship Him.

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