Senate Republicans Move to Ban Federal Funds From States, Cities That Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote

Senate Republicans Move to Ban Federal Funds From States, Cities That Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote By Mike Miller for Red State

In this episode of “Republicans Are Racist”…

Let’s begin with a basic premise that should be supported by every loyal citizen of every country on the planet: Non-citizens should not be allowed to vote in elections. Period. That should not even be a question.

Unless you’re a Congressional Democrat, that is. In that case, undocumented Democrats are your thing.

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As reported by John Solomon’s Just the News, the issue of “non-citizen” voting first came to a boil big-time at the end of the 2018 Georgia governor’s race, when Democrat Stacey Abrams suggested the “blue wave” of voters she hoped would put in her office included the “documented and undocumented,” the latter a ridiculous Democrat term for illegal aliens. Abrams denied she was referring to illegal aliens.

However, last time I checked my Democrat decoder ring, “undocumented” was code for “illegal.”

Meanwhile, cities in at least three states have authorized illegal aliens to vote, while Georgia ponders a constitutional amendment to ban it. “Shockingly,” as reported by my colleague Chris Arps, New York City is among them, as is Northampton, Mass.

Incidentally, let’s dispel another ridiculous Democrat trope: “No human is illegal.”

Nobody has suggested that any humans are illegal, my Democrat friends. Humans are capable, however, of doing illegal things, including illegally entering the United States of America. Sit down.

Now, in an attempt to stem increasing Democrat support of allowing illegal aliens to vote in U.S. elections, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is leading a coalition of Congressional Republicans in sponsoring legislation that would ban federal funding to states and localities that allow illegals to vote:

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