Have The “Pandemics Of 2022” Already Started?

Have The “Pandemics Of 2022” Already Started? by  for End of the American Dream

Wouldn’t it be great if we could have a year without any major pestilences?  2019 seems like it was so long ago, and we may never see another year like it.  All of the measures that global authorities have imposed to try to end the COVID pandemic have failed, and now we are being told that we are just going to have to live with COVID on a permanent basis.  And Omicron has shown us that a new variant can sweep across the entire globe in just a matter of weeks.  Meanwhile, there are several new “outbreaks” that are unrelated to COVID that I am going to be keeping a very close eye on as we enter 2022.  For example, we are being told that there is a “massive bird flu outbreak” in Israel right now.  The following comes from a Daily Beast article entitled “Massive New Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 2022’s Deadly Pandemic”

Israel’s National Security Council has assumed control of a massive bird flu outbreak in the Galilee, which scientists warn could become a “mass disaster” for humans.

Over half a billion migrating birds pass through the area every year, heading for warm African winters or balmy European summers, making this a catastrophic location for a major bird flu outbreak—right at the nexus of global avian travel.

If you do a Google search for “H5N1”, you will find that bird flu outbreaks have literally been reported all over the planet this month.

So this isn’t just happening in Israel.

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But the reason why what is taking place in Israel is so alarming is because birds are dropping dead in such large numbers

Of the 30,000 Eurasian cranes passing this winter at the Hula Nature Reserve, 17 percent are dead, and scientists fear the worst for their surviving brethren, at least 10,000 of which appear to be ailing. The infection of the cranes is the same strain of avian flu which infected chicken coops throughout northern Israel, and led to the cull in recent days of nearly 1 million birds.

The good news is that so far there are no confirmed human cases of H5N1 in Israel.

Of course that could change at any time, and once H5N1 starts spreading among humans it has a very high death rate

The virus can be deadly if it infects people. The World Health Organization says more than half of the confirmed 863 human cases it has tracked since 2003 proved fatal.

Here in the United States, officials are deeply concerned about a widespread outbreak of an “undiagnosed respiratory illness” in northern Ohio…

Public health exclusively tells Dayton 24/7 Now undiagnosed respiratory illnesses are popping up in the Miami Valley, Cleveland area, and across the northern tier of Ohio.

Health experts say symptoms are similar to the flu, but patients aren’t testing positive for influenza or COVID-19.

Charles Patterson, Clark County Combined Health District’s Health commissioner, explains there’s no way to know how many confirmed cases of this illness are in the state since there’s no case definition for it yet.

Hopefully they will find out what this mystery disease is soon, because it doesn’t sound good.

On the other side of the globe, a different mystery disease has killed close to 100 people in South Sudan

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