From Jesus To Robots…
— LIZZIE (@Jesus_porvida) December 15, 2021
In my view, science is a cold mirror for religion. It reflects spiritual realities in material terms. Scientism arises when that reflection is seen as ultimate truth.
Data visualization is an iconography of Scientism — a living, materialist
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021
The gods migrated in a similar fashion.
Vedic Hinduism is the oldest world religion, conceived by Aryans and born below the Himalayas.
Ancient Hebrews came soon after, holding to the Law of Mt. Sinai.
Shoots from these seeds now encircle the globe.
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021
In cell cultures, made visible through technology, we see the enaction of an ancient Hermetic principle: "As above, so below."
The new mystics are lab techs. The new spirits are microscopic.
Here, bacteria build roads and cities in a nutrient medium.
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021
The rise of agriculture some 10,000 years ago made urban life possible. The nutritional surplus and labor division led to caste systems.
Today, humans behave less like chimps and more like ants. This social complexity exploded in the modern era.
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021
Imagine organisms emerge, survive, and expand according to Darwinian principles.
In theories of cultural evolution, ideas and technologies evolve by similar means.
For example, effective industrial techniques spread faster than any human offspring.
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021
Coincidentally, around the time of the first atomic explosions, UFO sightings also multiplied. There are a few ways to interpret this.
For true believers, it's obvious we alarmed our galactic neighbors, who flew over to check on us.
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021
Memes, or mind viruses, are the demons of Scientism.
Some theories of cultural evolution see mental forms — such as gods or aliens — as self-replicating germs in the mind's Petri dish.
Under the right conditions, a crazy idea spreads like a virus.
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021
The "Global Brain" is a high god of Scientism.
Having been conceived by military intel, the Internet gestated a few years before it burst onto the world.
By the early 1990's, a new deity was born. It grows stronger and more knowledgeable by the day.
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021
The superorganism is the Oversoul of Scientism.
For believers, the Global Brain is the intellect of a single planetary being.
Transport infrastructure is its skeleton. Gas and power lines are its veins. Fiber optic cables are its nervous system.
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021
In the one world order, we're mere cells in the global body, to be shuffled around at will. Digital vaxxports are enzymatic keys. Social credit scores are mRNA.
Even as borders are opened wide, the walls are closing in.
(below: flights every 24 hrs)
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021
A similar process is unfolding in Europe. The road to global technocracy is paved with multicultural chaos.
This data visualization is a snapshot between 2013 to 2016.
If "diversity is our strength," Germany should be invincible any day now.
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021
Like a Hindu deity, this Super Computer God wears many faces. But its robotic soul is raceless and sexless — a dull reflection of real human beings.
These are avatars of a digital Demiurge, made by the wayward children of a dead god.
Never believe.
— Joe Allen (@JOEBOTxyz) December 27, 2021