THEY NEEDED THE OMICRON VARIANT by Jim Quinn for The Burning Platform

Fauci, Biden and their band of merry varianteers began to see their fear narrative dissipating around Thanksgiving. Cases had fallen from 175,000 per day in mid-September to the 70,000 range in late November, down 60% and far below the 255,000 cases per day in January 2021. The Delta variant was losing its mojo, and something needed to be done. They couldn’t let the masses think they could get back to normal. That wasn’t going to work with the Build Back Better Great Reset master plan.

The plunge in deaths “with covid” to below 800 per day, down 60% from the September high, and down 75% from the January high, in a country of 330 million people, where 8,000 people die per day from something, was endangering their fear dependent scheme to remake the world in a way to benefit shadowy globalist Davos billionaires and leave the masses with nothing, while being told they are happy.

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This psychological operation to manipulate the masses into obeying and complying to the commands of totalitarian politicians and government apparatchiks is being orchestrated by deviant psychopaths (Gates, Soros, Schwab, et. al) whose demonic agenda is clouded in a purposeful fog to obscure their true purpose. There is one thing for certain, whatever they are attempting to accomplish will not be beneficial to you, me, or humanity. Their agenda is designed to benefit them and their cronies.

Who made the decision to ramp up testing from 500,000 per day in early July to 1.9 million per day in early September, a 380% increase? With the faulty PCR test, of course positive tests (not actual sickness) were going to soar and classifying every death with covid as a covid death was going to boost the death totals. But this never-ending fear porn from Fauci and his enablers at CNN and MSNBC was wearing thin and losing its propaganda potency with the American public.

Orchestration of this fear campaign for a virus with a 97.7% survival rate has required a full court press consisting of the CDC, NIH, WHO, WEF, Big Pharma, Big Media, Silicon Valley Social Media censorship police, billionaire oligarchs, Wall Street/Federal Reserve, and their senile empty vessel puppet president, continuously lying to the American public as instructed by his handlers.

The rollout of this pandemic of the willfully ignorant has been a magnificent tribute to the propaganda techniques of Edward Bernays, the realization of Huxley’s belief the masses would learn to love their servitude, and now Orwell’s Big Brother surveillance state, with a boot on your face forever.

Orwell, Huxley & Venture Philanthropy | by Graham Brown-Martin | New Society | Medium

The truths are self-evident to anyone who chooses not to ignore facts and has not deluded themselves because they would rather go along with false narratives than admit they were duped into being injected with an experimental therapy that does not do what it was supposed to do and tends to maim and kill a significant number of people who get jabbed. Here are some of those self-evident truths:

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