Prophecies about the First Christmas | Matthew 1-2 (Video)

Prophecies about the First Christmas | Matthew 1-2 Video by Pastor Gary Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg VA

What did the ancient prophets have to say about the birth of the Messiah? Matthew, in his gospel, quotes five prophecies from his Jewish Scriptures (our Old Testament) about the birth of the Messiah that were fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Why is it important for us to know this—that Jesus fulfilled ancient prophecies written hundreds of years before His birth? It’s important for two reasons: (1) it VALIDATES that God is faithful to His promises, and (2) it VERIFIES that Jesus is the Messiah! Join Pastor Gary as we connect the dots of the Old Testament prophecies concerning the birth of Jesus Christ.

00:00 – Welcome
00:42 – Introduction
01:42 – Prophecies about the First Christmas
01:54 – 1) It VALIDATES that God is faithful to His promises
03:40 – 2) It VERIFIES that Jesus is the promised Messiah
05:35 – Prophecies about the First Christmas
08:24 – 1. He would be born of a virgin
18:12 – 2) He would be born in Bethlehem
24:39 – 3) He would spend His infancy in Egypt
26:48 – 4) He would be the target of infanticide
30:27 – 5) He would be raised in Nazareth; he would be despised and rejected

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