The Latest In The Ongoing Tyrannical M@$k debate
Mask do nothing It is that time of year where you can see the fraud of masks.
— Nicholas Goble (@veng58) December 13, 2021
"99.97% of airborne pathogens are captured by the HEPA filtering system… The case is very strong that masks don’t add much if anything in the air cabin." – Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly
It was always about control, not safety. RT to demand no forced masks on planes!
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) December 16, 2021
Not-Sees should be treated like the war criminals they are…no quarter. This includes drug manufacturers and drug dealers (called doctors)
Love This
— Hooter girl (@HooterG) December 9, 2021
Funny that all of those spreading the virus are the double and triple jabbed. But don't live your life now. Remove yourself from all social settings even though you have had 2 or 3 jabs. Oh wait. Wasn't that the reason why you went and got jabbed? So you could have your freedoms?
— Nathan Buckley (@NathanBuckley88) December 10, 2021
Not-See “mandates” do something – something very evil
History may not exactly repeat but it most certainly echos. The "papers" the Jews had to show were medical papers. They were removed "for their own safety".
— Michael Goyer (@michaeltg) December 15, 2021
Once again…mask do nothing
Masks Protecting People From COVID Narrative Debunked By Viral Immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle
— ЯΞD PILL LΞD 🔎 (@Red_Pill_Led) December 14, 2021
Love – the single most powerful weapon ever developed. It’s free for the asking and free to give. It is a divine gift from God that should be spread freely and generously. When this is applied watch how your world changes…even if the people don’t want to accept the gift of love you offer they will carry it for a long, long time – remember, we plant the seed and God provides the increase…
Remember when this football coach named Keonon Lowe stopped a mass shooting? Took away the weapon and gave him a hug. What a boss. Should be a household name.
REPLY with a list of other heroes we forgot.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) December 10, 2021