There Are 2 More Statues At UN Headquarters In New York Which Appear To Have A Link To The Book Of Revelation

There Are 2 More Statues At UN Headquarters In New York Which Appear To Have A Link To The Book Of Revelation by  for The Economic Collapse Blog

All throughout history, statues have had deep significance to those that put them up.  In some cases, statues were erected to commemorate a conquest or a pivotal battle.  In other cases, they were set up to honor leaders of historical importance.  But even more often throughout history, statues have been constructed for spiritual reasons.  In the western world, the worship of statues is very rare today, but the global elite are still obsessed with decorating key landmarks with “art” that has very special significance to those that are “in the know”.  It is not just a coincidence that capital cities all over the planet are adorned by extremely bizarre statues.  Every single one of those statues has a meaning, and the vast majority of the population is totally oblivious to what is really being communicated.

Last week, I posted an article about a really weird statue that was just put up right outside UN headquarters in New York.  The giant statue is called “The Guardian of International Peace and Security”, and the UN is telling us that it is a “fusion” of a jaguar and an eagle.

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But is that the real story?

As I pointed out in my previous article, this new statue is reminding Christians all over the globe of the “beast” described in Revelation chapter 13, and of course the “beast” of Revelation chapter 13 represents the Antichrist.

So did someone at the UN actually intend to set out a “welcome mat” for the Antichrist by authorizing the display of this truly bizarre amalgamation of creatures?

I thought that the story was done once I published that article, but it turns out that there is more.

One of my eagle-eyed readers pointed out that in some of the videos you can actually see another statue of a mysterious figure riding a horse.

I did some research, and I discovered that the other statue entitled “Peace Monument” was created by Croatian sculptor Antun Augustinčić in 1954.  According to the UN, this is what the statue signifies…

Carrying an olive branch in one hand and a globe in the other, with a cloak fluttering on her back and on a horse in a stance suggesting a powerful forward movement, She is symbolically leading the Nations of the World towards Peace.

The fact that the figure riding the horse has an olive branch for an arm seems to indicate that peace is being offered, and the fact that she is holding a globe in her hand seems to indicate that she has control of the entire planet.

So what is the message that is being communicated here?  Are we supposed to understand that we will finally have global peace if we will just hand full control over to a world government headed by the United Nations?

When I first saw this statue, I was immediately reminded of the rider on the white horse in Revelation chapter 2…

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