Some Things Never Change and Some Things Do…

Some Things Never Change and Some Things Do…

Hillary Clinton has been a lying criminal her entire career. She has been influenced, and lived by, the Rules for Radicals book by Saul Alinsky her entire life. Hillary is an agent of the devil, a satanic-globalist of the highest order and has yet to get over the fact that Donald Trump beat the MACHINES in 2016.

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These are Hillary’s owners… These people report directly to the devil.

This is a big part of their play book that was first used after World War I that brought Hitler to power. Joseph Goebbels took it to the next level and we know how that ended.

Hillary was suppose to do what Oatmeal Brain is doing. She was suppose to do it with a little more flare and finesse. Oatmeal Brain is just getting through the days, attempting to keep the curtain in place. He is not doing a very good job as the exposure that President Trump began has continued in earnest under the criminal occupation of the White House with a candidate for treason and RICO and his trusted whore of a sidekick. It is an international embarrassment that will take decades for our nation to recover our good name.

It all begins and ends with control…control of the people. It is not an accident that a “pandemic” broke out just in time for the 2020 election. It is not an accident that our economy was shutdown and all but destroyed just in time for the 2020 election. It is called control.

There’s always the other side to the darkness – the Light of the World, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The power of the name, Jesus Christ, wrecks all the works of the evil one, all his minions and all his plans for God’s children. God’s children are just that, God’s children. We belong to Him, through the blood of Jesus Christ, and nothing can separate us from the Love of God.

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