He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over You…

He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over You…

Do we charge the lion or do run away? Should we stand firm in our conviction or stand firm in our strength? Will we walk in the Light or whistle past the grave yard? These are the challenges we face everyday of our life.

It is in the knowing, accepting and living under the wing of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that we are able, with hesitation, to charge the lion. We can do this because it is not us. We can do this because we have nothing to do with it. When David stood before the giant, David stood in his conviction, not his strength. David walked up to the giant, under the wing of God, and explained to the giant that his time was up.

For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot. ~ Psalms 91:11-13 NKJB

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God doesn’t answer and help us because we deserve it, He does this because He loves us and because we depend upon His strength. We depend upon God for our refuge. We depend upon God for what we need including our very breath. We are not cowering under the wing of God, but because it is our secret place where we refuge and Truth. It is the place where we come to praise and glorify our God.

Don’t let me search the Word of God only to fulfill this page. Let me, God Almighty, Father of All, through Your one and only Son, Jesus Christ, let me search the Word of God to find Your strength, Your Light, Your never ending love and Your Truth to share with others. Lift me up, Father God, to be a better child of Yours, wrap Your loving arms around me to breathe Your life into these dry bones. Help me, Father God, to see, to hear and to feel Your presence. Let Your Light be the Light of my path. Place my hand on the door knob that opens to You and Your majestic life in us. Help me, Father God, to search the scriptures to know Your love is already in me. To know You are present, You are near and the scripture is a tool to help unlock our relationship on far deeper level.

Let the love You, Father God, have for me shower my soul, be seen in the Works You preform using my hands. Use my tongue, God Almighty, to speak of the Way You have for us all. Let Your mercies be renewed in this day and all the days to come. Soften my heart, Father God, to receive the Promises You have written down in the book of my life. Strengthen me, Father, so that I can love my wife more deeply, so that I can love Your sons and daughters as Your children, so that I may shout Your name from the roof top of my life and place Your name as a banner over my life for the whole world to see. Let not these works be in vain, but let them be to Honor and Glorify You, the Great I Am.

Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.

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