They Hate Us, They Really Hate Us

They Hate Us, They Really Hate Us By Clarice Feldman for American Thinker

As it did in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, the major media relentlessly trumpeted a false story, this time about Jussie Smollett. In both cases the tales were of white supremacists committing horrific crimes.  In both cases, when the fabulist tales were rejected by jurors who heard and weighed the evidence, the outcome was ignored or downplayed. But doubtless the distrust of their fellow citizens among the Black community in Kenosha and, then Chicago, and perhaps the country, was heightened by these lies.

In both cases, celebrities and politicians bought and promoted the fake stories. And improbable it was unless you are so nuts you think two masked strangers, whom Smollett thought were White, happened to be walking around Chicago at 2 a.m. on a freezing cold night (wind chill of -40) wearing MAGA hats. And these masked men threw a noose around his neck, yelled racist and homophobic slurs, poured bleach on him and shouted support for Donald Trump.  The odds against this account being true are off the charts.

Smollett was well-connected enough that the Cook County state’s attorney dropped a 16-count indictment in exchange for a forfeiture of the $10,000 bail he had posted. And that would have been the end of it had not then-mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago police superintendent called that a miscarriage of justice and forced the assignment of a special prosecutor who recommended charging Smollett.  Let me be the first — and perhaps the only one — to congratulate Emanuel for bucking the tide and standing up for Chicago.

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He took some heat for his action. In case you forgot, here are some comments at the NAACP awards at the time.

[Maxine Waters] “Nobody got hurt, nobody got shot, nobody was killed, Jussie Smollett had never committed a crime before,” she told BE. “Chicago has a lot of problems; a lot of killings go on every day. I would much rather they spend time and their money and their effort to apprehend killers and folks that are wreaking havoc on that city.”

Hazel Dukes, the former NAACP president and the current president of the NAACP New York State Conference, also criticized the response from Mayor Emanuel, who called the dropping of charges against Smollett “an unbelievable whitewash of justice.”

“I was upset with the mayor’s comment,” Dukes told BE. “As many blacks [that have] been killed by the police officers, he never came out that it was whitewashed when they didn’t get put in jail.”

“Black-ish” star Anthony Anderson, who served as the host of the Image Awards, expressed his support for Smollett, previously telling Variety that he was rooting for Smollett to win an award. “I hope he wins. I’m happy for him that the system worked for him in his favor because the system isn’t always fair, especially for people of color,” Anderson said. “So I’m glad it worked out for him. It’s not my place or any other person’s place to judge him or what not, but I’m glad that he’s nominated… I hope he wins because I’d be interested to hear his speech.”

Smollett’s lies cost the city a great deal of money investigating his fairy tale along with an even greater loss — increased racial disharmony. The special prosecutor’s investigation resulted in a six-count felony disorderly conduct indictment, and last week a jury found Smollett guilty of five of those six counts.

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