It’s Not A “Concentration Camp”…It’s A Military Protected Internment Camp You’re Not Allowed To Leave

It’s Not A “Concentration Camp”…It’s A Military Protected Internment Camp You’re Not Allowed To Leave

It’s a “camp” run by the state. If you try to leave it’s called an “escape”. You arrive by way of military delivery. If you do “escape” there will be a nation wide manhunt – already happened – but it’s not a “concentration camp”. Oh, there is no jury, there is no trial you are forced, but it’s not like “force”, it’s a different kind of voluntary, yeah, voluntary commitment made by the person being taken to Howard Springs by way of the military showing up with guns, you know, more like a courtesy call than use of “force”. Oh yeah, one last thing – you don’t even have to “test positive” you can actually test negative, multiple times, and still find you are locked away completely stripped of any and all dignity, freedoms and liberties while being separated from all family and friends. But it is definitely not a concentration camp.

How about a nice train ride through the country side, it is so beautiful in the spring. You know, military escort for your safety.

Would anyone like a shower, or, perhaps, later this evening attend a marsh-mellow roast? Maybe a light work-out with sledgehammers and rocks? What about a physical conducted by our resident physician, Dr Mengele. His schedule always has room for one more patient.

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If anyone trusts these satanic-globalist that’s on you.

Read: Australia’s Concentration Camp And Manhunts For ‘Quarantine Prison Escapees’ Are Showing The World The Globalists Tyrannical Hand

Meanwhile in New Zealand, right next door to Australia… The outrageous lunatic running that country into the ground has made a mint over the past 2-3 years. My guess is her net worth began growing the day she passed the gun confiscation law and then receive a gigantic booster shot when she passed the vaccine mandate laws.

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