Remarkable Candace Owens Monologue Video
It’s not a monologue in the traditional sense, it’s a monologue in the Candace Owens sense. People attempt to attack her, with ignorance and malice, and, of course, she is having none of that. She not only gives them a great education – which they sorely need – she puts them in their place all at the same time. Like I said, a monologue of the Candace Owens’ variety.
Ms. Owens is well educated, articulate and has studied the black experience her entire life. When it comes to the black experience in America, she has 30+ years of knowledge to pull from – she is, as they would say – an expert on the subject.
Listen to this exchange – beginning at the 3:08 mark and ending at the 13:11 mark. Well worth the ten minutes of your time.
[Editor’s Note – I tried to set the video to auto start at the 3:08 mark, however, bitchute has not added that feature as of today. Sorry]
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