Pro-Life Organization Makes Huge Push to bring Morality Back to America

Pro-Life Organization Makes Huge Push to bring Morality Back to America by TOM CIESIELKA for Charisma News

On December 1, 2021, 23 highway overpasses across America will display large blue banners bearing the message, “Abortion takes a human life.” Meanwhile, cries of “Overturn Roe” will echo in front federal buildings, courthouses, and abortion facilities in 34 states, at 103 locations, as the United States Supreme Court hears arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson.

The case has gathered substantial attention from both life advocates and abortion backers because it is the most significant challenge to Roe v. Wade to rise up in the courts in more than a decade., a pro-life coalition, is taking the battle over abortion to the streets on December 1 to voice their encouragement for upending the 1973 decision that legalized abortion in the United States.

The distinctive bright blue banners that will be visible to drivers throughout the country during the national initiative on December 1, are the direct result of a grass roots effort that began in the Chicago area. Chris Iverson began displaying the banners across bridges and overpasses with the simple statement, “Abortion takes a human life.”

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“That is exactly the message that’s missing in most of the news coverage around the Dobbs case,” shares Iverson, now a board member of the Pro-Life Action League, a key component of the coalition. “That’s why the banner displays on overpasses are important. The more that truth is emphasized—that abortion takes a human life, the more reasonable it seems that the Supreme Court should reverse Roe.”

Iverson began the banner project, known as “pro-life bridges,” in 2016, because he was interested in getting the message out to the general public, not just to other pro-life people. After researching many different options, Iverson identified overpass banners as an efficient way to reach the general public in large numbers over relatively short periods of time.

Each year since the project began, Iverson has been able to document reaching over one million people with the message. In 2018, the Pro-Life Action League took the project national, distributing almost 150 sets of banners across the United States.

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