Paralyzed Woman Walks; Pennsylvania Church Becomes Miracle Hub

Paralyzed Woman Walks; Pennsylvania Church Becomes Miracle Hub from CHARISMA NEWS

The Capital Area Dream Center is becoming a modern-day hub for God’s miracles.

Members of the charismatic church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, had recently become witness to a woman healed of stage 4 brain cancer and a man raised from the dead. The supernatural happenings continued in the month of November, a month that saw 24 people give their lives to Christ and 20 people healed.

One of the most breathtaking stories was that of the healing of a woman who had become paralyzed on the left side of her body after suffering from a stroke. She was brought to the altar, and before prayer, she had experienced numbness and limited mobility on the left side of her body. After prayer, the feeling in her limbs returned and she was able to move around freely without any assistance. Needless to say, she was ecstatic.

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In late October, a woman named Tammy told church workers she had a dream that she came to the Dream Center and was healed. A few weeks later, she and her family drove six hours from western New York to the Dream Center.

When they arrived, Tammy needed help getting out of the car. She was bent over almost like an upside down L. She could hardly walk, even with her cane. Doctors said she had several discs out of place and they were lying on nerves. She had a pain level of 9 (out of 10) in her back and both legs and had no feeling in either arm.

“We spent an hour and a half praying for her and the end result was she was able to walk without a cane for the first time in years,” Pastor Richie Lewis says. “All of her pain was gone, her back straightened up almost completely and all of the feeling came back in her arms! Her daughter told us, ‘This is the best day of my life.’ Her husband, who was a skeptic and didn’t want to come, had to leave and go out to the car because he was starting to cry and didn’t want anyone to see him.

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