A saint who fought the Freemasons has the battle plan against today’s dictatorship

A saint who fought the Freemasons has the battle plan against today’s dictatorship by John Henry-Westen for Life Site News

The young Br. Maximilian saw, with his own eyes — and recorded the events in his notebooks — blasphemous processions of masons to the Vatican, singing of songs in honor of Satan.

I’m going to share with you the largely unknown strategy to fight this Communist dictatorship of the whole world. This war plan identifies and targets the weakest links in the chain which allow for exploitation.

It is the strategy that St. Maximilian Kolbe saw would lead to the defeat of these same forces when he witnessed their first victory march in 1917. The tactics that I’m about to lay out here make sense, are doable and are assured to lead to victory. 

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The Bicentenary of Masonry and Br. Maximilian Kolbe 

In 1917 — around the time of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, and on the eve of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia — Br. Maximilian Kolbe was in Rome as a theology student, at the famous Gregorian University.  

Now, 1917 marked the 200th anniversary of Freemasonry, and the masons were out in force in Rome, to celebrate. Their presence in the Eternal City was public, and flagrant. Banners, posters and leaflets were everywhere. 

The young Friar saw, with his own eyes — and recorded the events in his notebooks — blasphemous processions of masons to the Vatican, with the masons singing songs in honor of Satan.

Some of their banners carried the inscription: “Satan will rule in the Vatican and the Pope will be his slave.”

Let’s hear the account of Br. Maximilian himself: 

“… Freemasonry in Rome appeared more and more in public and unfurled in plain view of the Vatican windows their banners, depicting St. Michael the Archangel trampled and defeated by Lucifer, and distributed leaflets reviling the Holy Father.” 

So much for a secret society! And so much for a non-religious organization of free-thinkers. It was as if these enemies of the Church of Christ sensed that they were on the cusp of a great victory, and allowed the mask to slip.

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