Joe Biden touts “well-stocked shelves” as major retailer announces long list of shortages across the southeast

Joe Biden touts “well-stocked shelves” as major retailer announces long list of shortages across the southeast By  for Grocery

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Joe Biden made sure to remind Americans that Big Government is meeting the “needs” of the public, and that his administration is in full control over the food supply. Pretending that the economy is in a state of recovery, the Biden administration ignores the growing problems of rapid inflation and food rationing. Reading from his weekly propaganda script, Joe Biden touted that grocery stores were “well-stocked with turkey” and “everything else” that Americans “need.” He made the announcement at the same time Publix announced a long list of food item shortages across 1,280 stores.

“For all those concerns a few weeks ago that there would not be ample food available for Thanksgiving, families can rest easy today. Grocery stores are well-stocked with turkey and everything else you need,” Joe tweeted on the eve of Thanksgiving. A year ago, Biden and the Democrats were the masters of doom, claiming that a “Dark Winter” was upon Americans. Less than a year later, Biden ignores the systemic economic and food supply issues that are impacting Americans with low to moderate incomes.

List of restricted food items grows over Thanksgiving week

As the Biden administration blatantly disregards these issues, retailers are warning of food shortages that are now impacting thousands of stores. In fact, Publix Supermarkets warned customers over Thanksgiving week that food shortages are expected to persist across 1,280 stores throughout the southeast. The shortages are occurring across seven southeastern states. According to sources in Miami, Florida Publix is limiting purchases and only allowing shoppers to buy two items maximum from the following list. The list of rationed foods includes:

[give_form id="52655"]
  • Canned cranberry sauce
  • Jarred gravy
  • Canned pie filling
  • Canola and vegetable oil
  • Cream cheese
  • Bacon
  • Rolled breakfast sausage
  • Paper napkins
  • Disposable plates, cups and cutlery
  • Bath tissue
  • Refrigerated snacks (Lunchables-type items)
  • Sports drinks
  • Aseptic-type juices (Capri Sun)
  • Canned cat food (variety packs)
  • Refrigerated pet food

This is not a definitive list of rationed items. In fact, a Publix spokesperson said the list may expand in the coming weeks. Not only will holiday items be limited, but other common food staples will also be restricted. “The limits are for all stores in our seven-state operating area,” a Publix representative NBC News. “There is not a set time determined for these limits, and the list can change to include more items or remove items.”

Restrictions and massive price hikes are coming for meat items

Another southeastern supermarket chain, Winn-Dixie, had to ration turkeys over the holiday season. Supermarkets across the nation pushed the price of turkeys up; the cost of turkeys went up by an average of 24 percent this year, compared to 2020 prices. Tyson Foods recently announced a 30%+ price hike for beef and pork as food inflation continues to explode.

The situation of rising food costs is so real, corporate media outlets told Americans how to keep the cost of Thanksgiving low. Vicky Nguyen appeared on the Today Show and said it’s a good year to forgo the turkey and find ways to limit your gathering. “If you tell everyone you’re having a Thanksgiving without turkey, some guests may drop off the list and that’s a way to cut costs too,” she said fervently.

The Saint Louis FED encouraged Americans to forgo turkey and serve a soy dinner instead. The blog post states: “As of the third quarter of 2021, a hearty Thanksgiving dinner serving of turkey costs $1.42. A tofurkey (soybean) dinner serving with the same amount of calories costs $0.66 and provides almost twice as much protein. Keep in mind that this plant-based meal would be almost 3 times larger by weight than the poultry-based meal and may either keep you at the dinner table longer or provide you with more leftovers…”

As corporate propaganda instructs Americans what to eat and how to eat alone, we are getting an idea of what the government is scheming to restrict (meat) and what they are planning to replace it with (soy). The bread lines that resulted from past communist regimes could soon be soy lines under the modern day communist regime.

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