Who Nu? By Clarice Feldman for American Thinker
They’re now trying to shut down everything again and make the world safe again for private jet-flying elites to escape from voters. This time they claim there’s a super-spreading, super-scary new variant of the Wuhan (pardon me, COVID-19) virus from Africa. As far as I’m able to discover there is no test for it, it has actually been around since July and it doesn’t seem particularly fatal. So far it has produced only mild cases. But the taste of totalitarian control has only whetted the desire for more, with the thought of destroying those “deplorable” productive citizens of the middle class an added bonus.
How it got its name (Omicron) is another sign of the political nature of the thing.
Paul Nuki, the senior editor for Global Health Security and Campaigns at the UK Telegraph tweets the answer:
A WHO source confirmed the letters Nu and Xi of the Greek alphabet had been deliberately avoided. Nu had been skipped to avoid confusion with the word “new” and Xi [the name of the Chinese Communist boss] had been slipped to avoid stigmatising a region,” they said .
The NY Sun’s editors had fun with that excuse:
In the meantime, President Biden has sharply restricted travel to the U.S. from Africa which reminded people of how he accused President Trump of racism when he restricted travel from China and later from Africa to limit Wuhan virus’s spread here.
Brit Hume was among those reminding us of the turnabout, reposting Joe Biden’s tweet of Feb 1,2020:
Trump further diminished the U.S. in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban. This new “African Ban,” is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States. It’s a disgrace, and we cannot let him succeed.
Brit links to this article in Medium in which the hyperventilating nonsense by Biden continued.