for Giza Death StarCatherine Austin Fitts spotted this article and shared it with me, and during a (short) week of blogs about Baal Gates’ ambitions to become a nuclear power, and further revelations about Evergrande’s financial woes, I thought the following story would be the perfect way to end a short week before the Thanksgiving holiday with yet another disastrous nominee from the Brandonenko regime, this time for the Office of the Comptroller of Currency:
Biden Nom Saule Omarova Stole Hundreds of Dollars of Merchandise From a T.J. Maxx
So, just a few points about Saule Omarova:
Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.), the ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, has pressed Omarova to turn over a copy of a thesis she wrote on Karl Marx while studying at Moscow State University in the late 1980s. Omarova, who attended the school on a Lenin scholarship, scrubbed her résumé of a reference to the Marx thesis at some point over the last few years.
Omarova, a professor at the Cornell Law School, has said she wants to “end banking as we know it” by requiring bank deposits to be held with the Federal Reserve, rather than private banks. Omarova has also proposed the creation of a federal agency, the National Investment Authority, that would fulfill the goals of the Green New Deal by investing in infrastructure projects. Omarova said one goal of the National Investment Authority would be for oil and gas companies to go “bankrupt” in order to fight climate change.
And then there’s this:
Saule Omarova, whom Biden tapped to serve as Comptroller of the Currency, was arrested after she was caught stuffing $214 worth of clothes, shoes, cologne, and belts in her purse at a T.J. Maxx in Madison, Wis., in May 1995. Omarova was 28 years old at the time and studying for her doctorate at the University of Wisconsin.
And finally, this:
Omarova will likely need unanimous Democratic support in order to be confirmed, but some moderates have expressed concern about her views. Sen. Jon Tester (D., Mont.), a member of the Senate Banking Committee, said he has not decided whether he will vote to confirm Omarova. Sens. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D., Ariz.) are reportedly on the fence about her nomination.
So what do we have? We have:
(1) Someone who wrote her thesis about Karl Marx, who now does not want to provide a copy and removed reference to it from her resume;