New Poll Shows Almost All Americans Are Deeply Concerned About Inflation As Prices Explode All Over The Country

New Poll Shows Almost All Americans Are Deeply Concerned About Inflation As Prices Explode All Over The Country by  for End of the American Dream

How do you know when a problem officially becomes a crisis?  Is it when just about everyone agrees that a crisis has arrived?  If that is the case, then it appears that an “inflation crisis” is now upon us.  Country Financial just conducted a survey that asked Americans about a variety of financial issues, and they found that a whopping 88 percent of the population is highly concerned about inflation at this point…

Many Americans are suffering from sticker shock after seeing prices rise in recent months.

A new survey from Country Financial finds that 88% of Americans are highly concerned about inflation.

That is a huge number.

These days, you can’t get almost all Americans to agree on just about anything.

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In fact, I think that if you took a survey asking Americans if the sun would come up in the morning it would be hard to get up to 88 percent.

Of course I am being a bit facetious, but without a doubt we are a nation that is deeply divided along ideological lines, and very few surveys ever show an overwhelming consensus about something.

But there does seem to be an overwhelming consensus that inflation is a major problem.

According to that same survey, vast numbers of Americans plan to combat inflation by cutting back spending in a number of different ways

Of the 1,031 adults ages 18 and up surveyed, 48% said they plan to reduce their spending on restaurant meals and takeout.

Moreover, 30% said they plan to skip upgrading their personal technology devices, 29% said they will purchase less clothing, 20% are delaying or canceling travel plans and 13% plan to drive less.

Over the weekend, I came across some more examples of how crazy inflation is becoming.  For example, in Massachusetts snowplow drivers are now being paid up to 310 dollars an hour

It was tough to find snowplow drivers last winter, and this year is no different. Towns around Massachusetts are offering high hourly rates for drivers with a commercial license.

Watertown is paying up to $200 for plow drivers with a commercial license, and the rates increase to $310 for those with specialized equipment. Worcester and Lowell are paying up to $155 an hour, and Sandwich is offering up to $135. Chelmsford is paying up to $110, and even MassDOT is looking for drivers, though offering a lower rate of $31.25, NBC10 Boston reported.

If you have a truck and a plow, you may want to head up there for at least a while this winter.

A couple thousand dollars a day is nothing to sneeze at.

As winter approaches, the cost of firewood is also going through the roof

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