Is There Anybody… Out There? Video by TruthStream Media
GNN Note – This is the comment I left on YT under this video – Melissa and Arron Dykes have created some essential work over the past decade and have been very influential in the alternative news community. She, like myself, has reached a point of saturation. Here’s the comment – your opening describes – to the letter – why I shut down The Daily Coin. I was sick of contributing to the noise and wanted to be part of my community, stop promoting the works of satan and begin promoting the works of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There is still remnants of the noise, but 90% of my day is filled with helping others, sharing the Gospel and being alive instead of dead. May 5, 2020 The Daily Coin closed and Gospel News Network became the focus. Sharing deeply personal, Spiritual aspects of my life has been freeing on levels never imagined. “Trust fall” into the arms of Jesus Christ and you will be amazed at how your heart, mind and soul grow, change and bloom. We have always loved the work you and Arron have done over the years, however, that love and respect just grew to new heights. You can do all things, once the shackles are broken. end of comment
It is only when we get tired of carrying the chains around our heart and soul that we can see the chains around our heart and soul. It is at this point that we can see, hear and feel Jesus Christ coming into our life. We can no longer walk around in fear. / END