SEPTA Launches Probe as Video of Black Female Youth Group Assaulting Asian ‘Students’ Emerges Online

SEPTA Launches Probe as Video of Black Female Youth Group Assaulting Asian ‘Students’ Emerges Online

GNN Note – I feel confident you haven’t heard about this on MSM. / END

The reasons behind the disturbing incident on the train have so far not been revealed by investigators, and it is unclear whether or not the attack had any racial motive, with the victims in the reports only being described as “students”.

A video of a group of young black women on a SEPTA train assaulting several other people, who appear to be of Asian descent, has gone viral, with the public transportation authority launching an investigation into the troubling incident.

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The clip reveals several women yelling and shouting at those described by the media as “students”, with the verbal conflict quickly escalating into a fight. One of the African American girls is seen throwing a punch, and an Asian “student” ends up on the floor, being beaten and even hit with a shoe.

The incident is said to have taken place in Philadelphia on a Broad Street Line train near SEPTA’s Erie Station on Wednesday.

A SEPTA spokesperson, cited by NBC Philadelphia, called the altercation “violent and disturbing”. According to the spokesperson, there were no serious injuries.

The transportation authority, along with Philadelphia Police, Philadelphia School Administration officials, School District Police, and the Philadelphia Human Relations Commission, is investigating the incident.

“SEPTA Police were notified and immediately launched an investigation. Progress has been made in identifying individuals who were involved in the assault. Investigators are continuing to interview witnesses and reviewing cell phone video that has been released on social media, as well as SEPTA surveillance video”, SEPTA Media Relations Director Andrew Busch said in a statement as cited by ABC 6.

Philadelphia City Councilman David Oh also weighed in on the incident, calling it “disgraceful”.

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