Fauci, Gates Admit COVID Vaccines Don’t Work as Advertised

Fauci, Gates Admit COVID Vaccines Don’t Work as Advertised By Jeremy Loffredo for Children’s Health Defense

In interviews just days apart, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted COVID vaccines aren’t effective, but both suggested the solution is to give more boosters to more people.

In two recent interviews, pandemic thought leaders Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates drastically changed their opinions on COVID vaccine effectiveness — and used their newfound concerns to push booster shots for the general population.

Last week, in an interview with Jeremy Hunt at London’s Policy Exchange, Gates admitted what many, including the Lancet, have been saying for months — that the vaccines aren’t effective.

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Gates, who previously referred to the effectiveness of mRNA vaccines as “magic,” told Hunt “we need a new way of doing the vaccines.”

Only days later, Fauci echoed similar sentiments during a New York Times podcast. Fauci said the COVID vaccine’s effectiveness against infection, hospitalization and even death, for all age groups, is waning to the point where booster doses will become “essential” for everyone.

Fauci said: “I think the boosting is going to be an absolutely essential component of our response, not a bonus, not a luxury, but an absolute essential part of the program.”

Fauci said authorities are observing vaccine waning “involving all age groups.”

Making his case for a wider booster program, he told The Times the vaccines are “waning to the point that you’re seeing more and more people getting breakthrough infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are winding up in the hospital.”

Today in the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson similarly spoke of widening the UK’s COVID booster program.

“Getting three jabs or getting your booster will become an important fact … We will have to adjust our concept of what constitutes a full vaccination,” he told Britans.

The mainstream media also is priming the public for an unknown number of additional COVID shots. Sunday, Bloomberg reported: “It may turn out that the term ‘booster’ is a bit of a misnomer, and that the correct number of shots for maximum efficacy isn’t yet known.”

If Gates and Fauci coordinated their latest COVID vaccine messaging, to manufacture consent for wider uptake of COVID vaccines through booster programs, it wouldn’t be the first time the two have collaborated closely on vaccines.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s forthcoming book “The Real Anthony Fauci” explores the “carefully constructed Pharma-Fauci-Gates alliance,” and details how “Gates and Fauci engaged in almost daily communications throughout the lockdown, and coordinated virtually every decision about COVID-19 countermeasures with each other.”

Listen to Gates’ latest message about COVID vaccine ineffectiveness here (timestamp: 28:00):

Listen to Fauci’s latest interview with the New York Times about the waning immunity of COVID vaccines (jump to the 6:45 mark):


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