Please Don’t Clown Around When It Comes to Abortion

Please Don’t Clown Around When It Comes to Abortion by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown

What on earth was Saturday Night Live thinking when it featured comedian Cecily Strong dressed up as pro-abortion advocate “Goober the Clown”? The skit was not only done in very poor taste (no surprise for SNL), but it was downright offensive, not to mention idiotic. To what purpose did it air?

Clowns, after all, are not supposed to be taken seriously. Why, then, have a clown advocating for abortion?

And clowns are associated with children’s entertainment, yet children are hardly the targeted demographic of SNL. Why, then, the clown?

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The skit begins with a male news host discussing Texas’s heartbeat bill, which effectively bans almost all abortions after 6 weeks.

The host explains that “here to cheer us up” is “Goober the Clown, who had an abortion when she was 23.”

So, is that the purpose of the clown? To cheer the pro-abortion viewers as the pro-life movement continues to save the lives of babies?

In Goober’s own words (spoken as her bow ties spins rapidly), “It’s a rough subject, so we’re gonna do fun clown stuff to make it more palatable. Wee!”

Wee? Really? This is how you respond to an effective pro-life bill in Texas?

Goober actually squirts the host with water (emanating from her lapel flower) while stating, “I had an abortion one day before my 23rd birthday!”

How funny! How hysterical! What a great, enjoyable, instructive skit!

After about a minute, Goober begins to get more serious (albeit while trying to make a balloon animal), explaining that she really doesn’t want to talk about abortion. But that’s all others keep talking about, with obvious reference to pro-lifers. (Forgive me if I’m wrong here, but I seem to recall quite a few abortion advocates, from Planned Parenthood to the Shout Your Abortion movement, talking about a woman’s “right” to abortion virtually day and night.)

Yes, Goober tells us, abortion was declared legal in the Clown v Wade decision (again I ask, how on earth does this possibly help the abortion-rights’ side?), and that one in three clowns will have a clown abortion in her lifetime. And on and on it goes, getting even less funny (if that were possible) with every passing second.

Goober does explain what a relief it was when the doctor told her that she wasn’t an “awful person” for having an abortion and that her life “wasn’t over.” (As for her life not being over, the same could not be said for the baby in her womb.)

But hey, Goober explains, “I know I wouldn’t be a clown on TV here today if it weren’t for the abortion I had the day before my twenty-third birthday. Clowns have been helping each other end their pregnancies since the caves. It’s gonna happen so it ought to be safe, legal and accessible.”

Remarkably, this inane and, candidly, really sad skit drew thunderous praise from some reviewers. As expressed in the headline to Sean L. McCarthy’s article on The Decider, “‘SNL’ Recap: Cecily Strong’s MVP Performance Tops An Instant Classic Episode.”

MVP Performance? Seriously?

Over on CNN, Brian Stelter gushed, “Take three minutes and watch the video if you haven’t seen it yet. On Twitter, it has already racked up more than 2.5 million views, according to the site’s metrics.” (As of this writing, it is now over 4 million views.)

What a glaring example of what Jesus once explained, namely, that the world loves its own (see John 15:19). I guess clowning around about abortion resonates with quite a few people. (Do I hear someone say, “Wee!!!”???)

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