Holy Ghost Outpouring Explodes in Kansas Small Town, Spreads Like Wildfire by JAMES LINZEY for Charisma News
First Assembly of God of Coffeyville, Kansas, pastored by Rev. Randy DePriest, is the hub of a great spiritual awakening among six churches in the community which has partnered in praying for revival. Meetings began earlier this year. The Holy Spirit has added to its numbers in the monthly revival meetings.
On Sunday evening, Nov. 7, 2021, a major revival exploded with evangelist Robert Newton ministering. Newton’s ministry is called Powerhouse Ministries, and he is ordained by the Church of God, a Pentecostal denomination based in Cleveland, Tennessee.
The love of the Holy Spirit came down on Coffeyville’s city-wide revival! It spread to South Coffeyville, Oklahoma, where the churches gathered at Emanuel Chapel and the Holy Spirit flowed through Newton like rivers of mighty waters.
In his unique style, Newton shouted the gospel of salvation through Jesus’ love and prayed for the Holy Spirit to be outpoured on the large crowd of about 500 people. The believers were moved tremendously, breaking out in ecstatic utterance with interpretations and prophecies. People were falling under the power of the Holy Spirit in pews, in the aisle, and at the altar while Newton laid hands on them and the worship team softly played.
Rev. Randy DePriest, who envisioned the movement, said, “It’s here! Coffeyville churches coming together in the unity and Spirit of Christ to have monthly services together on the first or second Sunday and Monday evening of each month. I believe that God has strategically positioned Coffeyville and these great community leaders for ‘The Outpouring’ services. I am very excited to see what God can do when we gather together without denominational structures. May God be glorified as we gather together as His church in the Spirit of Christ.”
Revival broke out in Coffeyville in the 1920s as the Azusa Street Revival of 1906 continued its reverberations around America and the world throughout the 20th century.
As the late crusade evangelist Verna Hall Linzey said, “In 1925, Pentecost came to town under the influence of Assembly of God minister P.C. Nelson, who received the baptism with the Holy Spirit at the Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles.”