Go and Tell Jesus! [Amazing Grace + Here I am to Worship + Great Are You Lord, more] Street Worship (Video)

Go and Tell Jesus! [Amazing Grace + Here I am to Worship + Great Are You Lord, more] Street Worship Video by Servants of Christ

Before I started today’s evangelism, I prayed that we can’t do the work unless the Lord does. Then I felt sudden presence and assurance that He will do it. I was surprised because in that moment I felt weak. However, when I started to speak and sing, the power of God came over me.

I couldn’t sing because tears fell apart when I was singing “Amazing Grace”. This overwhelming gratitude flowed over. You may not see in the video, but people’s face were changed and lot of them were moved. There is deep joy and grace that comes from evangelism. May you have courage for it will not be you but Christ Jesus

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These days I am learning to have deep fellowship with Jesus
the more I loose myself, the more I gain of Christ
The more I loose my own work, the more I gain His

Thank you Bethlehem Church’s evangelism team for letting me evangelize with you! 🙂

I do not write comments telling you that I saw revelation and ask you for donation. Please be careful

00:00-1:12 : beginning
1:13-3:06 : Amazing Grace
3:07-6:23 : How Great is Our God
6:24-8:33 : Here I am to Worship
8:34-12:03 : Great Are You Lord
12:04-15:18 : Goodness of God
15:19-18:42 : As the Deer
18:43-23:43 : How Great Thou Art

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