Natural Diabetes Helpers That Optimize Metabolism And Pack On Muscle by: Off The Grid News
Just because you have been diagnosed with diabetes doesn’t mean that your life needs to be put on hold. Sure, there’s a bunch of expensive medications out there that you can take to help manage your diabetes, but there are also natural, less invasive ways to improve your condition. Luckily, we are here to pull back the cover on natural diabetes helpers for your everyday life.
Switch Up Your Plate
If you’re fighting diabetes, namely Type 2, it’s most likely food that got you into this mess to begin with. Because of this, you might want to start eliminating these foods from your diets:
Refined Sugars – These rapidly spike blood glucose levels.
Cow’s Milk – We are the only mammals to not only drink milk past nursing but to drink another species’ milk. Casein in milk triggers inflammatory responses.
Alcohol – Alcohol increases blood sugar levels almost 50%.
Hydrogenated Oils – Like refined sugars, these oils have been treated and stripped of their nutritional value. In addition, in their wake lies much LDL cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol behind diabetes.
Instead, you want to add natural diabetes helpers into your diet. That means you should incorporate these types of foods into your meals:
Healthy Fats – The truth of the matter is you need cholesterol. Healthy fats have high levels of HDL Cholesterol, which will balance out the LDL Cholesterol that leads to diabetes. A lot of these are oils. Just make sure the words “partially hydrogenated” and “refined” are nowhere on the bottle. Healthy fats include:
Fruit Oils like Avocado and Coconut
Grass-Fed Butter
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Foods Rich in Fiber – High fiber foods slow down glucose absorption. Therefore, your blood sugar won’t spike. Foods rich in fiber include: