Hillary’s Russian Dossier and Other Legal and Media Travesties

Hillary’s Russian Dossier and Other Legal and Media Travesties By Clarice Feldman for American Thinker

Save for the Wall Street Journal, few big media operations have reporters with the background or editors and media producers with journalistic principles to accurately inform you about legal matters. This week, looking at John Durham’s Danchenko indictment and the Kyle Rittenhouse case in Kenosha, Wisconsin, that point was made crystal clear.

The Hillary Dossier

It has taken far too long for the Department of Justice to reveal the underpinnings of the phony Trump-Russian collusion story, a story in which Clinton associates and contractors fobbed off shoddy opposition research as “intelligence” to a credulous and corrupt FBI and press. But this week, we are finally getting to the genesis. We know now that the FBI was not duped, but knew the truth — that the Dossier which the press had trumpeted as proof of the collusion was a complete lie, and yet kept the public in the dark about it. We know also that the factual underpinnings of the Dossier were created by a Russian national (Igor Danchenko) who was introduced to a Clinton associate and Democratic operative (Charles Dolan) who himself for years had represented Russian interests. We know the two men were introduced to each other by Fiona Hill, a “Russian expert for the National Security Council” under Trump who just happened to testify against the President in the phony unrelated Ukrainian impeachment case, and that she also introduced Danchenko to Christopher Steele, opposition researcher for hire and author of the fabricated Dossier. Kimberly Strassel:

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[Charles Dolan] had far more ties to Russians than anyone in Mr. Trump’s circle, having for eight years helped handle “global public relations for the Russian government” and throughout 2016 interacted frequently with senior Russian officials and Russian Embassy staff.

The indictment reveals that in August 2016, Mr. Danchenko asked Mr. Dolan for any “thought, rumor or allegation” regarding the summer’s resignation of Paul Manafort as Mr. Trump’s campaign manager. Mr. Danchenko explained he was working on a “project against Trump.” Mr. Dolan replied that he’d had a drink with a “GOP friend of mine who knows some of the players” and provided gossip. Sentences of this email appear nearly verbatim in the Steele dossier, though they are (hilariously) sourced to a “close associate of TRUMP.” To add farce to fantasy, the indictment says the Mr. Dolan later told the FBI he’d fabricated meeting a GOP friend and had simply passed on info he’d read in the press. [snip]

The indictment flags meetings, emails and calls that suggests Mr. Dolan passed plenty of other information to Mr. Danchenko for the dossier. This includes information he might have obtained during visits to the Russian Embassy in Washington. (Did the Russians know where this was going?) Mr. Dolan was also in regular communication with Olga Galkina, another Russian who fed information to Mr. Danchenko for the dossier. Ms. Galkina noted in two separate emails that she was expecting Mr. Dolan to get her a State Department job in a Hillary Clinton administration.

The indictment alleges Mr. Danchenko lied about Mr. Dolan’s interaction with the dossier when the bureau belatedly tried to check the dossier’s accuracy. The indictment says all this deprived the FBI of the ability to learn about the “reliability, motivations, and potential bias” of the Democratic source. True, though this latest indictment again paints the FBI as either inept or biased.

How many more years will it take for Durham to prove beyond peradventure of doubt that the Russian-Trump Collusion was, in fact, the Russia-Hillary Collusion? Will it take even longer for the media to acknowledge it swamped the public with “a fake conspiracy theory funded and concocted by criminals for partisan gain”?  Glenn Greenwald claims that the Hillary Conspiracy was aided by a partisan, dishonest press and fellow travelers in the FBI and CIA:

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