Do Americans Have a Future?

Do Americans Have a Future? by Dr Paul C. Roberts

Yes, but not a good one.

To begin with, it is very difficult for Americans to get any accurate information. Democracy cannot survive when the media is a lie factory serving secret agendas and politicians are servants of the special interests that provide their election funds. Not only is Congress’ ability to represent the people compromised by the influence of special interests, but also Congress has given up power to executive branch regulatory agencies and to the judiciary. When the representatives of the people cannot represent them, the people have no protection.
There is neither a rule of law nor a Constitution when a President (George W. Bush) can dispense with habeas corpus and hold American citizens indefinitely without due process of law and a President (Obama) can execute American citizens on suspicion alone without due process of law. Neither president was impeached, and no court or bar association made an issue of the illegal and unconstitutional exercise of power by two American presidents as if they were unaccountable dictators.

I warned at the time that worse was to come, and it has. Today even mayors think they are dictators, as do university and hospital administrators, and employers who spew Covid vaccination mandates in defiance of the Nuremberg Laws. Under the Nuremberg laws, vaccination is a medical procedure and requires informed consent. Moreover, under the US Constitution laws must originate in legislatures, not with pronouncements of mayors and private employers. We know that a country’s leadership has lost respect for the rule of law when employers and executive branch officials issue laws and judges accept this violation of legislative authority. What the Covid mandates demonstrate is that respect for the rule of law no longer exists in the United States outside of Florida and Texas.

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The scene is also dismal on the economic front. The offshoring of so many manufacturing and other high value-added jobs have robbed Americans of stable employment, middle class incomes, and cities and states of tax base. The offshoring of jobs was mindless, an act of deindustrialization putting the US on a path to the Third World. When a country manufactures goods and services abroad for sale at home, the goods and services enter as imports and worsen the trade deficit. Now this unforgivable mistake is being amplified by a rush into robotics that will further devastate employment opportunities. Machines do not purchase goods and services and, thereby, decrease aggregate demand in the economy, which means falling, not rising, GDP.

The thoughtless Covid lockdowns have disrupted the supply chains, resulting in rising prices. Morons such as California’s governor have amplified the problem with environmental edicts that prevent half of the US truck fleet from entering California, with the result that the ports are piled up with ships waiting for a place to unload.

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