Would You Allow These People To Run Your Church? by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
When do when begin acting like we know the law? When do we begin ignoring laws that are unConsitutional, unjust and illegal? When do we the people begin following the Constitution and act like this our country instead allowing a very tiny, insignificant group of criminals in Washington DC and on Wall Street dictate our lives?
Dear US Government, pic.twitter.com/xyyy9kxjkI
— American Girl 🔥 (@Yolo304741) November 5, 2021
Unless you hate yourself, hate your family and either have no god or follow the devil having anyone of these people on the Elder Board, part of the Ministry or other position, even as a volunteer, not one of these people would make the cut. Not one would be considered to be an integral part of your church. If that’s the case why would you consider voting them into office to govern your community? Make decisions regarding your family, your school, your roads and so much more?
But they are in some of the most influential offices in the United States, in the world. The decisions these people make impact millions of lives every day.
First up is the woman making decisions at the CDC…
First of all this is a lie. It’s downright 100% disinformation yet Twitter won’t mark it as such. Secondly, we told you this was coming. Now it’s not just “wear the mask for COVID”, it’s “wear the mask to protect others from the cold and flu”. They NEVER want this to end! https://t.co/TSdPRQcjxv
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) November 5, 2021
What about this woman who is third in line for being in the main position in the United States – she is 3rd in line – President, Vice President then this woman…
Stroke or glitch? You decide. pic.twitter.com/m2a20pVOWs
— 💥Atomic💥BIonde💥 (@Ablonde20211) November 5, 2021
Here is someone putting there spin on the the above jumbled mess…
SPOT ON!!!🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/lYUINEqlM4
— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) November 6, 2021
Here is another questionable “leader”. Why would anyone continue to vote for these people? Are people voting for these people or are the machines putting them in office?
Mitch McConnell polled at 30%, yet he won reelection. How? He gerrymanders, he suppresses voters, and he spreads propaganda. He robs Americans blind, and uses the Senate to line his own pockets. We need term limits. And we need to expel this wretched creature from the Senate. pic.twitter.com/3eon70yQ5K
— Uncovering The Truth (@UncvrngTheTruth) November 6, 2021
How would you respond if you saw this banner at your doctors office, at the hospital you were visiting or a clinic?
What on earth is going on here👇 pic.twitter.com/BgogdyAp1w
— Right Said Fred (@TheFreds) November 6, 2021
What if a former President was spending lots of time with one of the most vile, evil people to ever be? What would you say about that to your neighbor, to the people you attend church or go to lunch with after church?
— Sal the Agorist (@SallyMayweather) November 6, 2021
What about all the information about vaccines? “vaccine mandates” for all – take the vaccine, must take the vaccine…vaccine…vaccine…vaccine!!!
If there was a “pandemic” happening, we would, literally, have “body trucks” in every city. There would be dead people all over the place and there would be no need for a “marketing campaign” in order to convince me there is a “pandemic” happening. Lies, lies and more lies.
It’s comedy but so real … great to see comedy taking the piss out of vaccine nutters pic.twitter.com/EWa1capFaa
— daisymay4263 (@daisymay4263) November 4, 2021
Yep – there you have it…. pic.twitter.com/pPusgcxfnN
— Pea Sea (@pcxtsee) November 6, 2021
Are you still watching CNN? Well, here’s how CNN reports…
Check this out 😡 pic.twitter.com/df8gtsp2Ud
— Spike1962 (@Spike19621) November 6, 2021