You May Also Be Glad…
Good morning Friend of Jesus, brought back to life by the Hand of God. In this day may our Lord and Savior shower your life, and the lives of your family, with an overflow of promises and blessings.
Father God, as You brought Your Son, Jesus Christ, back from the dead to show the world Peace, Love and Light are possible in our lives, to show that sin is forgiven and we no longer have to live in the dark, You also raise have Your child, Erik, to a restored body. Father God, it is only by Your hand that Erik walks, breathes and has life to share in this world. Heavenly Father, God Almighty, as we bow before You to offer our heart we see Your mighty works. As we bow before You, God Almighty, we bow before no other, and we lift the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, over our lives and over all the earth. We thank You, Father, for renewing our mercies in this day. This day, the day the Lord has made, Your mercies in our lives renewed are needed. Your loving touch to our heart is needed. The breathe of Life from You, Heavenly Father, is needed. We can not make it without our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. We can not make it without the Comfort and Counsel of the Holy Spirit.
Father God, as the Holy Spirit fills our heart and fills this space, we simply ask that any spirits, any words be rebuked from our mind and from this space, rebuke them now in the name of Jesus Christ and fill the void with the Light of the World that it may shine through our hearts to touch those around us. Father, let the Light of Your Love be the strength in our bones and the vision in our eyes.
Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. ~ 1 Peter 4:13-14 NKJB
Heavenly Father, God Almighty it is right and proper that we should feel the sting of the flame but it is by Your hand that we are freed from the fire. It is by Your hand that we walk as free men giving all praise and glory and honor to You. The chains have been broken by the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ
Father God, as Ambassadors to the Kingdom of God and as we walk in the Kingdom of Heaven we seek Your wisdom, Your guidance and Your strength. Father God, as we cry out to You and all the Angels of Heaven we ask continued restoration of Erik’s bones, muscles and lungs. Father God, it is by Your Hand that Erik and his family are being fully restored. There is no machine, there is no human that could do what You, Father, have done with Your child, Erik. Place a hedge of protection around each of the Dattwylers in this day. Let their steps be light and their hearts be filled with joy for the Lord.
These things we pray in the loving name of Jesus Christ. Amen Amen Amen