“Invisible Toxic Cocktail” In Tap Water Across US Due To “Regulatory Capture”: Analysis

“Invisible Toxic Cocktail” In Tap Water Across US Due To “Regulatory Capture”: Analysis By Kenny Stancil for Natural Blaze

Millions of people throughout the United States “are unwittingly drinking water that includes an invisible toxic cocktail made up of contaminants linked to cancer, brain damage, and other serious health harms,” according to the Environmental Working Group, which updated its nationwide Tap Water Database on Wednesday.

“EWG’s Tap Water Database offers a panoramic view of what drinking water quality looks like when the federal office meant to protect our water is in an advanced stage of regulatory capture,” Environmental Working Group (EWG) president Ken Cook said in a statement.

“The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water has demonstrated for decades that it is utterly incapable of standing up to pressure from water utilities and polluters to protect human health from the dozens of toxic contaminants in America’s drinking water,” said Cook.

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EWG’s unique database—assembled over the course of multiple years by researchers who collected and analyzed test data from nearly 50,000 water systems in the U.S.—reveals “widespread contamination from toxic substances such as arsenic, lead, and the ‘forever chemicals’ known as PFAS in the drinking water of tens of millions of households in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.”

The “comprehensive consumer tool” enables individuals to “enter a ZIP code into the database and see a report of the type and amount of toxic chemicals detected in that location’s drinking water. They can also see safety assessments developed by EWG scientists about the adverse health effects associated with exposure to those contaminants.”

EWG stressed that its database “underscores the need for stricter federal water quality standards and a massive injection of funding for badly needed water infrastructure improvements across the country.”

“The U.S. tap water system,” EWG added, “is plagued by antiquated infrastructure and rampant pollution of source water, while out-of-date EPA regulations, often relying on archaic science, allow unsafe levels of toxic chemicals in drinking water.”

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