In the wake of the US airline Southwest Airlines reversing its position on mandated quackcines after its employees staged a “sick out”, suddenly grounding over 30% of that airlines’ scheduled flights, there’s another story of a similar nature coming from the United States Air Force that was spotted and shared by T.R.:

12,000 Air Force Personnel, Including Elite Pilots, Have Rejected Vax Order As Tuesday Deadline Looms

Observe what is said here:

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The Washington Post is now at the end of the week reporting that up to 12,000 Air Force personnel are still declining the vaccine, causing alarm within the top chain of command who are worried it will impact force readiness, particularly as some forces in key positions face discharge over their vax refusal. “The fact that it’s a choice leading to potential loss to readiness is striking,” a military policy analyst with the Center for a New American Security Katherine L. Kuzminski, told the Post.

Short of full discharge, those refusing the mandate could be charged under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), based on prior Defense Department statements. Currently some class action lawsuits are said to be underway among troops – including reservists – who argue the mandate violations their individual medical freedom and Constitutional rights.

When it comes to the Air Force especially, there’s a risk of losing pilots and technicians – people in elite and highly skilled positions – who have undergone years of prior training at a government and taxpayer cost of millions of dollars. The Hill summarizes the dilemma facing military top brass as follows:

However, with such a significant amount of service members rejecting the vaccine mandate, officials are faced with a dilemma — take action against those who rejected the mandate and possibly face serious setbacks within units that should be ready for a crisis, or go back on a wide-scale requirement established in August by the top military leaders.

If military leaders back down, it could set a precedent allowing personnel to more readily push back against future mandates – for example if a booster shot is ordered – something the Biden administration has signaled it may be prepared to do.

“The Air Force is the third-largest military service at 324,000 members, the Post noted. So even a small percentage of the ranks can be substantial,” The Hill summarizes further of the situation.

Now let’s stop and indulge in our high octane speculation. Among the reported adverse reactions to the quackcines the following have been reported: strokes, respiratory difficulties, prion and other neurological disorders, heart attacks and other heart-related ailments, and so on. Due to the nature of their work, pilots and air crews – both civilian and military – are already at a slightly higher risk than the average population to these sorts of ailments. Now the Bidenenko regime wants to subject these people to an even greater risk of the same.  Let’s assume, for a moment, that the opposition within the Air Force to the quackcines collapses, and that many get the quackcines. Let’s also assume that Southwest’s position did not collapse, and that its internal opposition did collapse.

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