Senator Rand Paul, Congressman James Comer Send Letter Demanding Answers About NIH Deletion of Gain-Of-Function Information

Senator Rand Paul, Congressman James Comer Send Letter Demanding Answers About NIH Deletion of Gain-Of-Function Information By Scott Hounsell for Red State

Sometime around October 20th, 2021, the NIH quietly deleted a section of their website that defined gain-of-function research.  Senator Rand Paul and Congressman James Comer, sent a letter to the NIH demanding answers as to why the information was deleted and questioning whether or not the deletion was related to the release of a letter, admitting to gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In the ongoing drama that is the NIH’s handling of Congressional inquiries into the funding of gain-of-function research, nothing has been more frustrating than the NIH’s lack of transparency when it comes to determining the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.  As I have shown again over the last several weeks (especially in my “Fauci Lied” series, HereHere, and Here), the NIH has engaged in what can clearly be characterized as misinformation, as well as the withholding of information.  Statements made by Dr. Francis Collins, the former Director of the NIH, as well as those made by Dr. Anthony Fauci, about gain-of-function research amount to total and complete lies.

This latest run of fact-checking articles was started by a letter, sent by the NIH as a reply to a request from Representative Comer, which confirmed previous statements made by Fauci to be untrue.  In the letter, it described research, conducted by EcoHealth Alliance and funded by the NIH, which met the US Department of Health and Human Services’ published definition of gain-of-function research.  Those funded experiments had created a chimeric virus, SHC014-WIV1, which made humanized mice sicker than had either of the previous viral strains.  Fauci had previously denied that experiments of creating such viruses had ever occurred.

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Among the frustrations I have had is that the NIH and the NIAID have kept changing the terms they were using as people caught on to the knowledge as to the results these types of experiments could produce.  Originally, it was called “gain-of-function research,” and then later, “dual use research of concern.” Now the NIH is referring to viruses created by this risky viral research as “Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens.” What this amounts to is a word salad shell game, as they continue to try to hide their shady research practices. In fact, the P3CO Framework as they call it, published in 2017, doesn’t mention gain-of-function research in it at all. The extent of mentions is only in a link, referring to previous recommendations regarding gain-of-function research published by the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity in May 2016.  Curiously enough, that link is now dead.

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