Highly-processed “protein bars” and “protein shakes” now responsible for global warming?

Highly-processed “protein bars” and “protein shakes” now responsible for global warming? By  for SuperFoods

GNN Note – Satanic globalist believe we are this stupid. / END

If you want to be healthy, you have to eat a lot of protein every day, right? From bodybuilders to models on television, profits from the multi-million-dollar ‘protein-everything’ industry have skyrocketed over the past few years. The buzz is on for protein, in the biggest way, and Whole Foods themselves carry about 50 new products that are “protein” enhanced some way or another, but what once began as a way to eat superfoods on the run, has now become a processed, “overkill” lifestyle that can easily lead to health detriment and wait for it… wait for it… yes, global warming.

Are you a bodybuilder, or just someone who is overweight and underdeveloped as far as muscles are concerned? Millions of advertisements tell you that you need more protein. Are you a supermodel, or just someone who admires them and wishes that you looked so good? Millions of dollars spent on marketing are guiding you to products loaded with protein, so you can take a pass on all those horrible empty ‘carbs’ so you can fix your figure and snack as often as you like.

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Careful though, because “protein” has become a dirty word, as a massive range of food and drink products often contain ingredients that alone, even scavengers won’t eat. Watch out for canola oil (rapeseed oil), dairy, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavorings, palm oil and many other lab-concocted ‘food stuffs’ used to preserve those protein bars and powders and so-called healthy ways to stave off your appetite while “loading up” on protein.

How valuable is “protein” when it’s processed at environment-destroying factories and comes in highly-processed pancakes, cookies, muffins, nachos and croissants?

Are you buying many “protein” loaded products and believing that makes you healthy, automatically? Many Americans are, but what are the consequences of these actions influenced by huge corporations that couldn’t care less about your health?

Do you promote muscles and methane by supporting the “protein-everything” industry? If so, quite possibly then, your purchase habits do not coincide with your goals. Do you support sustainability, or not – is the question that remains.

Americans have become so obsessed with getting their fill of protein daily, that they’ve lost sight of clean eating and actual “whole foods” that truly facilitate health and sustainability. If some huge corporation makes your protein-loaded favorite products, it’s time to read the label very slowly and carefully and remember some basic guidelines for health and sustainability.

Watch what happens when this man pours canola oil (which happens to be Trader Joes’ brand, so go figure) in a pan and leaves it outside for 6 weeks – no ants, no roaches, no mold, just coagulation like glue!

Follow these basic guidelines when shopping for protein-packed products in order to support a healthy lifestyle and sustainability

#1. Avoid canola oil at all costs as it coagulates in your blood and causes rapid weight gain, inflammation and eventually memory loss. This has been studied scientifically, so be sure to read up on that.

#2. If you can’t pronounce the ingredients avoid them, and if you don’t even know what many of them are, set the product back on the shelf and move on.

#3. If most of the ingredients aren’t organic, then the trade off for protein isn’t worth it, because your body will struggle to digest all that nutrient-voided, processed junk science.

#4. Even organic, expeller-pressed canola oil coagulates, so just do NOT buy anything with canola oil in it, anymore (hard to avoid at restaurants though because it’s so cheap most use it).

#5. If it’s full of conventional products, that means those foods are grown with insecticides and herbicides that contain cancer-causing pesticides, including glyphosate.

#6. Most corporate-sourced ingredients are GMO, they’re not sustainable, and they lead to environmental pollution that’s already out of control, so don’t help “fund” more of it.

#7. Avoid anything dairy, including whey and casein, as they cause congestion, excess mucus formation and inflammation, which can all lead to long-term health detriment.

There’s plenty of protein in lean meat, vegetables, superfoods, and amino-acid supplements, you don’t need to go after processed shakes and food bars that deliver health punishment, while polluting the environment. Maybe there is no such thing as human-made global warming, but still we have no right to pollute the earth, and there is a choice, which you make everyday with your choices.

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