Dr. Paul Offit is lying to us about myocarditis rates by Steve Kirsch via SubStack
The New York Times recently reported that Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and member of the FDA outside advisory committee for vaccines, said that COVID-19 is much more likely to cause myocarditis than the vaccine.
He’s lying. It’s the exact opposite. The FDA and CDC committee members are all misinformed and clueless just like our friend Paul. We know that because hospitals are filling up with kids who are vaccine injured. That never happened before we had vaccine rollouts for kids.
But you don’t have to believe me because now the proof is in plain sight thanks to one slide Pfizer mistakenly showed at the last FDA meeting.
All my data sources for this proof are the CDC and The NY Times and that one Pfizer slide.
The bottom line: if you want to protect your kids, you need to stop believing the bullshit advice from the CDC now about the vaccines being safe and effective. You should not vaccinate them. Period. Full stop. Nobody should be taking these vaccines. If you get COVID, treat it with an early treatment protocol like the one developed by Fareed and Tyson. You will avoid hospitalization, death, long-haul COVID. These treatments will not kill or injure you.
The incompetence displayed by the committee members with regards to their myocarditis claims also applies to other adverse events like death.
Your child is more likely to die from the vaccines than be saved by them. By more than a factor of 10. So vaccinating kids is nonsensical. See Toby Rogers analysis as one example. I used a different method but also found more than a factor of 10 as well. Nobody on the FDA or CDC committees wants to talk about it. None of them return my calls or emails.
While we are at it, the CDC’s pregnancy advice was flawed too. Read this post for details. Like I said, nobody should take these vaccines. Nobody.