Pro-LGBT academics aren’t interested in debate, only submission by Jonathan von Maren for Life Site News
Charlotte Dalwood has written a truly ludicrous column claiming that there is a sinister and ‘increasingly public campaign underway to strip transgender Canadians of their constitutional and human rights.’
With the long march through the institutions complete, pro-LGBTQetc academics are no longer interested in debating their claims. They are interested in forcing submission from everyone, and censoring and punishing those that refuse to play along.
Exhibit A is a recent opinion column on Canada’s state broadcaster, the CBC, written by one Charlotte Dalwood. Dalwood is a juris doctor student at the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Law and, based on this profile shot, obviously transgender.
Dalwood has written a truly ludicrous column claiming that there is a sinister and “increasingly public campaign underway to strip transgender Canadians of their constitutional and human rights.” As such, says Dalwood, the “newly re-elected Liberal government needs to make countering it a priority.”
Dalwood admits at the outset that “Canada’s gender minorities currently benefit from a wealth of legal protections.” Indeed, Canada is one of the most transgender-friendly countries in the world. But according to Dalwood, dark clouds are gathering on the horizon:
But these protections are under attack.
Across the country, anti-transgender rights advocates are trying to convince Canadians that guaranteeing equality to gender minorities is not only unconstitutional, but it also discriminates against and harms cisgender women — that is, women who were assigned female at birth. And their misinformation campaign, disguised as a defense of women’s “sex-based rights,” has become especially intense in the past year.
The national organization “Canadian Women’s Sex-Based Rights” (caWsbar) is representative of the arguments being made against transgender-inclusive laws and policies.
They falsely claim that the charter’s equality provision covers cisgender but not transgender women because it lists “sex” and not “gender” as a protected ground. They then argue, on this basis, that the inclusion of “gender” in human rights legislation is unlawful; indeed that governments have a duty, instead, to preserve and promote sex segregation…Under the leadership of groups like caWsbar and We the Females, protests have also occurred at prisons across the country (most recently on Sept. 18) against Correctional Service Canada’s policy of taking transgender inmates’ gender identities into account when deciding where to house them.
Essentially, Dalwood is saying that feminist groups demanding female-only spaces without male bodies are bigots, including those who protest the practice of locking biological men identifying as women behind bars with vulnerable females. This has already led to sexual assaults on female inmates, and many of the prisoners claiming to be transgender are guilty of violent crimes (including rape). But according to Dalwood, these feminists are a threat to human rights in Canada: