Washington Post Reports On Demonic Energy Behind The Left’s Culture War

Washington Post Reports On Demonic Energy Behind The Left’s Culture War By  for The Federalist

While they are described benignly as seeking ‘forgiveness,’ ‘spiritual power,’ and ‘peace,’ these practitioners of witchcraft do hate something: Christians.

A Halloween-themed profile of a “teenage witch” in The Washington Post over the weekend reads surprisingly like a backhanded affirmation of the Bible and Christianity. It openly connects gender dysphoria with occult experimentation, and both with unsupervised young people going deep into social media rabbit warrens.

wrote in July about another profile exploring how TikTok promotes multiple personality disorders that approximate demonic possession. The Washington Post article also reinforces the connections between gender confusion and the demonic, immediately by noting that profile subject Viv Bennett “identifies as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.”

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As I noted in July, the use of plural pronouns for a single individual is eerie considered in light of one of the Bible’s depictions of Christ casting out demons. When addressed, that possessed man also spoke of himself in the plural: “My name is Legion, for we are many.”

It doesn’t stop there. The WaPo article also claims that contemporary witches, mediums, and other would-be consorters with false gods and demons strongly support leftist politics. The most prominently mentioned are no surprise to anyone paying attention: child sacrifice, child mutilation, ritual self-mutilation, and sexual abuse. Or, in other words, abortion and LGBT activism. Here’s the Post:

While Bennett mostly does encouraging, how-to media posts, they [sic] also agree with some witches who feel the label obliges practitioners to be politically outspoken, including on issues regarding the environment and the rights of sexual and gender minorities.

Bennett organized a fundraiser with several other occult practitioners running this week to benefit women seeking abortions in Texas, which just passed a highly restrictive law forcing people to pursue the procedure out of state. Bennett and others will hold classes and lectures for a fee, with proceeds going to the Lilith Fund.

According to Wikipedia, Lilith is “a demonic figure in Judaic mythology, supposedly the primordial she-demon. … Commentators and interpreters often envision the figure of Lilith as a dangerous demon of the night, who is sexually wanton, and who steals babies in the darkness.” The Lilith Fund is a Texas-based organization that pays for abortions. “Through organizing and movement-building, we foster a positive culture around abortion,” the outfit says on its website.

It’s not really a surprise that a self-described witch supports child sacrifice, although it is a bit surprising that the Post and the witch are so open about this. Why that is, let’s leave open for speculation.

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