The No. 1 Secret to Knowing What God Wants You to Do

The No. 1 Secret to Knowing What God Wants You to Do by MICHAEL ANTHONY for Charisma News

GNN Note – Be like Saul…ask. / END

Sooner or later, you’re going to want to know what God wants you to do with your life. You’re going to face a decision that requires wisdom, insight and a perspective that’s simply outside your comfort zone, knowledge and bandwidth. How can you know—for sure—what God wants you to do?

We tend to complicate our lives, and knowing what God wants from us, far more than it is beneficial. In fact, it’s detrimental. The more noise, clutter and distractions we have, the harder it is to hear God’s voice, know His will and live a life that enjoys and aligns with Him. When we change the terms that God has laid out for us, we complicate, confuse and cloud things. As a result, knowing God’s will becomes a struggle instead of an adventure. Life becomes frustrating, discouraging and nothing like what we hoped and dreamed it would be.

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Confusion about how God wants to lead you doesn’t have to be your norm. You really can know what God wants you to do—if you make walking with Him your No 1 priority. Clarity over God’s will is something that comes to us after we seek, and find, Him. And guess what? He’s not that hard to find!

Knowing what God wants you to do is a byproduct; it’s the overflow of something much, much more important, significant and enjoyable. Episode 76 of the Courageous Nation™ Podcast dives into this topic deeper. It will help you cut through the noise of life and understand the No. 1 secret to knowing what God would have you do in your situation. You only have one life this side of forever.

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