Is This Foreshadowing Something? – Facebook’s New Name Means “DEAD” In Hebrew

Is This Foreshadowing Something? – Facebook’s New Name Means “DEAD” In Hebrew by  for End of the American Dream

Is there a hidden message in Facebook’s new name?  Like most of you, I was quite surprised to learn that Facebook is going to be called “Meta” from now on.  As one of the biggest corporations in the entire world, this is not something to be done lightly.  I am sure that much deliberation, research and market testing went into that decision.  So either a colossal mistake was made, or Facebook chose a name with a very particular Hebrew meaning on purpose.  According to the Jerusalem Post, Facebook’s new name actually means “dead” in Hebrew…

The name in question, in Hebrew, is the conjugation of the feminine form for “dead” in both present and past tenses, leading many social media users who speak the language to ridicule the rebrand, leading to the hashtag ‘#FacebookDead.’

The Israeli emergency rescue unit Zaka, whose job is to collect human remains to ensure proper burials, shared their take on the rebrand last week, tweeting: “Don’t worry, we’re on it. #FacebookDead” in Hebrew.

If a giant corporation is evaluating a new name for the company, one of the very first things that should be done is to translate it into every major language on the planet to see what it might mean.

So I have a hard time believing that this was just an accident.

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And Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg certainly has no excuses, because he was actually raised in the Jewish faith

Zuckerberg, who was raised as a Reform Jew, made no response to the online ridicule.

Needless to say, a lot of Jewish people had a lot of fun with the announcement of this new name on social media.

But is there something deeper going on here?

Facebook just chose a new name that means “dead” in Hebrew right before Halloween, which is a global celebration of death.

That seems like a really odd “coincidence” to me.

Either intentionally or unintentionally, could it be possible that this name change is foreshadowing something?

This year, we have certainly seen a lot of death.  The number of “excess deaths” is way, way up all over the globe, and this has greatly alarmed many of us.  If you want an example, just check out this chart for the state of Vermont.  People have been dying at an extremely unusual rate, and I believe that we will see much more death in the months ahead.

But is the Facebook name change pointing to something even more significant?

We have been warned that another pandemic is coming for a long time.  Earlier this year, Bill Gates was openly speculating about the pandemic that is going to come after COVID during television interviews, and that definitely raised a lot of eyebrows.

Without a doubt, I believe that our planet is headed toward a time of great death and destruction, and the fact that this Facebook name change was revealed to the public just before Halloween definitely got my attention.

According to Wiccan high priestess Doreen Valiente, the modern celebration of Halloween comes directly from the ancient pagan festival of Samhain…

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