Begging For Lower Prices Doesn’t Work…

Begging For Lower Prices Doesn’t Work…

My guess is the OPEC nations are laughing at Biden and the others for asking for lower prices. OR this is all part of the larger plan, the dog and pony show with OPEC, to make Biden appear to be something he is not. We already know he is as corrupt as any human that has ever been, so what’s another log on the fire?

hmmm… Seems like we’ve been saying they wanted a chip, a tattoo or something on the skin that would be the mark of the beast and look what HSBC, a Hong Kong based bank that is one of the owners of the Federal Reserve…check out this ad.

[give_form id="52655"]

How do you sell something that no one needs or believes? Well, you begin a PR ad campaign to brainwash as many as possible. Then you begin reporting on the situation as if it had been going on since the beginning of time. The handful of illiterates that believe it, and the paid shills, will scream very loud and never, ever stop screaming. All I can say is…scream back with a soft voice.

The criminal insane and criminally corrupt filth in Washington DC seems to be growing. The stench of rot continues to climb higher and higher all the while becoming more disgusting with each passing day. If we the people don’t stand up and organize, as the Mama Bears are doing at the school board meetings, then we will surely perish.

Why do you think God put you, the true believers, in this world at this time? Do you actually believe in the sovereignty of God? Do you actually, in your heart of hearts, believe that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this world to save us from our sins? Do you believe He, Jesus Christ, died and arose from the dead and walked among the people for another 40 days? If you answered yes to these questions then you should start acting like it, sounding like it and joining with those around you so that you all begin to act like one member of the Body of Christ.

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