Dr. Stella Immanuel Reveals the Spirit Behind the Agenda for COVID-19

Dr. Stella Immanuel Reveals the Spirit Behind the Agenda for COVID-19 by DR. STELLA IMMANUEL for Charisma News

Have we ever witnessed such a level of global control and exercise of raw power to cause people to conform to a certain agenda as we did starting in 2020? The agenda I refer to is submitting to whatever the government claims about COVID-19 and accepting the vaccines without resistance.

What happened when this agenda exploded in our nation? We saw some people resist, but we saw a lot of people go right along with the agenda as if they were robots. Indeed, they behaved like unthinking machines, accepting whatever the “authorities” said. Worse than that, they worked against people who didn’t go along with the agenda. As pharmacists, they refused to fill prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine or other treatments. As ER doctors, they refused to see patients who didn’t agree to be checked in for COVID-19.

As tech workers at Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Apple, they deleted posts about hydroxychloroquine, or the devastating effect of lockdowns, or stolen elections or anything else not on their global agenda. This happened so quickly and with such uniform obedience from so many that it seemed almost supernatural. Could it be?

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When professionals such as me scream and make a ruckus about effective treatments for COVID-19, yet governments block those treatments and social media persecutes and deletes those who mention them, what is really going on? When leaders and medical professionals and legal experts and rulers of entertainment and social media walk in such lockstep to the same agenda, clearly something diabolical is at work.

This is the spirit that shuts down churches, stops effective treatments from being given, intimidates those who love liberty, and undermines the foundations of righteousness in society. This is the spirit that says it’s OK to rip babies from the womb up to the moment they’re born, then exports this sick practice overseas with US government funds. If this isn’t the hallmark of “mingled seed” in the land, then at least it is a form of national possession. There is no other explanation for why people would willingly do such crazy, wicked things in a seemingly coordinated and effective way.

Pressure to Get a Vaccine

Add to this the fact that the whole pandemic seemed aimed at getting every human to take a vaccine. Actually, it is not a vaccine in the traditional sense at all, but a radical new form of human “software.” Moderna’s vaccine is a messenger RNA, which goes into your system and tells your body to produce certain proteins. I believe this vaccine impacts human genetics and is well down the pathway of rewriting human DNA. Enormous pressure is being applied by companies and employers to force people to take the vaccine. Many people are already losing their jobs, or quitting under pressure, for not giving in.

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