The Familiar Patterns of Slow-Burning Societal Control by J.G. Martinez for The Organic Prepper
Recently, after watching the news, I detected some patterns in the slow-burning societal control happening around the world. The global food and fuel scarcities are oddly familiar. I have also begun to monitor what has been happening in the UK. Maybe the causes are different. However, the result, a disruptive effect on the food chain supply, is the same.
Disclaimer: this is my humble vision of the worst-case scenario. It may not necessarily go that way, and we can’t allow ourselves to lose hope for a much brighter future. After all, as preppers, we saw it coming, and we prepared for it.
First, a preamble…
Some of us have made our living by detecting patterns. It’s hard not to do it when you already see them everywhere. Metallurgists have a special kind of training in materials science. For example, we learn that a minimal change in an alloy or composite material completely changes the properties it exhibits. Add a few parts per million of alloy compounds (known as “doping” elements) and the mechanical resistance of the material will be much higher.
Thus, we have to associate these small changes in the microstructure with the large-scale properties that make the alloys suited for their intended purpose. Corrosion resistance, mechanical resistance, wear resistance, and so on. We train a lot for this: it’s an entire process that goes through the microscopic identification, chemistry, posterior heat treatments, etc. We have a very developed ability to understand how some things in the “micro-world” work and associate it to the “macro-world.”
Why this entire preamble?
Because the latest news of the fuel scarcity in the UK and the surge of domestic violence in Australia is, for me, the definitive proof of societal control in progress. And, it is seemingly going “under the table” in the big picture. Furthermore, it’s happening in Australia, supposedly a “first world” nation, and people seem to be unaware and utterly ignorant about it.
On US soil, the elite are taking over the farming land, aka the entire food supply, to make society bend the knee in the near future. Is it a “coincidence” that this wealthy guy, who comes with an “interesting” precedent of population growth control, owns more than 269,000 acres of farmland across 18 states farmland? Some of that farmland produces onions, carrots, and the potatoes used to make McDonald’s French fries.
And, of course, there is the vast fuel scarcity in Venezuela, one of the wealthiest countries in the world (as in “land/resources,” not as in “societies.”)