Stephen Strang Says God is Strong Enough to Stand Against Cancel Culture by HAMILTON STRATEGIES for Charisma News
Stephen E. Strang, an accomplished journalist and the founder of Charisma Media, has just released his new book, God and Cancel Culture: Stand Strong Before It’s Too Late. Filled with important and timely revelations for all believers of Jesus Christ, the book also poses intriguing questions: Where is God in the divisive and dangerous “cancel culture” that we’re seeing play out across our nation today (and experiencing firsthand, in many cases)? Where is God in all the chaos, the confusion, the damage, and the destruction?
Strang, a widely read author and Christian businessman whose other books include God and Donald Trump, never dodges today’s tough realities. Speaking candidly and with authority, he tells readers exactly what is going on in the culture—while also laying out biblical truths and practical responses that will reassure many.
Says Strang, “We were born into a battle. Today, that battle is against things like cancel culture and communism, among many other manifestations of darkness. We can’t ignore these things; I am convinced that we must confront them lovingly but without backing down or watering down the truth. We can be thankful,” he adds, “that voices of freedom are speaking out more and more and joining together for greater truth. All of us have the right, certainly, to speak out clearly and without fear about political and social issues from an openly Christian, biblical point of view.”
Strang urges Christians of deep faith to stand their ground: “Believers will only weather and thrive in this sudden—or sudden-feeling—change if they allow God to retool them and their message for these times. While things may seem hopeless, God has shown us time and again that He is here through all of our trials.”