Dave Chappelle Gives EPIC Response To Trans Backlash (Video)

Dave Chappelle Gives EPIC Response To Trans Backlash Video

GNN Note – About once a week we publish an article or video that has foul language. This is the one for this week. There is one word, early in the presentation, that is offensive. I pray the people that want to reach a conservative audience would hear our pleas – stop with the foul language. It is unnecessary and shows your ignorance. If a person limits their vocabulary that is a sign of ignorance, period. Stop doing it – stop using language that makes you look and sound ignorant.

It happens at the 1:05 mark – stop at 1:04 then skip to the 1:08 mark and it is clean from that point on. It has no effect or impact on the substance or the flow of the conversation. /END

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